All about Studying

German for Fun!

Author: Marina Leo Shamov (UGC)

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers courses for students in German as a foreign language at various levels. The courses are primarily for students of Fine Arts and Scenography, as they have to prove their knowledge of German at B1 level or at A2 level and additionally the seminar Foreign Languages for Artists (German) by the beginning of the third semester.

In the following video, the author Marina Leo Shamov shows some tips for learning German and short scenes from the everyday life of students.

Camera: Melinda Gardina Pennington
Main actors: Anuk Belogura und Marina Leo Shamov

When the author of the video was at German A2 level they had to prepare a semester project. They put off doing the project until they came up with the idea of not trying to do something super for learning German, but to do something that would take the pressure off and relax in the process. In this they had spontaneous help from friends, which helped them not only to have a good time but also to memorise the phrases used in the video by acting out contextual scenes from life.

All information and details about the German courses at the Academy can be found on the Academy website.

Marina Leo Shamov studies Fine Arts in the studio of Art and Time | Performance at the Academy.