All about Studying

A House for All

Author: Luiza Furtado (UGC)

Luiza Furtado conducts an interview with architecture student Christina Ehrmann about her master thesis at the Institute for Art and Architecture. 

In her design process Christina Ehrmann deals with different forms of dissability. With her project, she criticizes the fact that architecture often only takes ideal or standard body form into account. Deviations from the "standard body" are often compensated by elements such as ramps, side entrances or stair lifts. For the design of this public building in Vienna's city center, she places non-heteronormative bodies at the center of the planning. She approaches this topic with sculptural form studies, which are shown in the video.

Luiza Furtado was born in Brazil. She lived in Rio de Janeiro for over 20 years, where she received her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from PUC University in 2021. She studies in the Contextual Painting class in the Department of Art and Image at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Furtado's research on intuitive dance interweaves painting, soft sculpture and audiovisual media. She creates fabric capsules for symbolic rituals of empowerment and care. Her performative work is based on prosthetic experiments with upcycled textile craft from a queerfeminist perspective.
Website of Luiza Furtado