
The Student Union (ÖH)

Author: Editorial team

The Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) is the legally established representation of students at the Academy of Fine Arts. The members of the chair team, the university representatives, the student representatives and the departments represent student interests in internal Academy committees, commissions and working groups as well as externally towards ministries, politics and society.

The students' union of the Academy has set itself the goal of improving the legal situation of students in study-specific, social and other matters in everyday student life at the Academy. An important focus in all activities of the ÖH is that the special situation of socio-economically disadvantaged students and in particular people with unstable residence at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is taken into account.

You become a member of the ÖH when you pay the mandatory ÖH fee. You can take on functions within the Student Union and thus represent the interests of students throughout the university or in your field of study. All students are welcome to work with us!

What is the structure of the student union at the Academy of Fine Arts?

The ÖH consists of the chair team, the university representation, the thematically structured departments and the representatives of the fields of study. The representatives in the fields of study are particularly important for study information and advice.

Student representatives (StV)

There is a separate representative for each field of study, consisting of around 3 to 5 students. If you would like to get answers to your questions from a student perspective, it is advisable to contact the responsible representatives by email.