© Plattform Vielfalt
Project Partners
Author: Christina Fasching (Red)
The Platform Vielfalt team worked together with various project partners – universities, educational initiatives, and associations. All the project partners contributed their expertise to the project in their respective fields. Our exchange with them resulted in important networking systems and synergies.
Department of Music Education at the Mozarteum University Salzburg
The Department of Music Education introduces students to their future work as teachers in various types of schools. The department focuses on openness and creativity in dealing with diverse forms of musical expression, research, developing new forms of media mediation as well as cooperating with cultural institutions in the Salzburg area and promoting international exchange.
Through two Platform Vielfalt sub-projects on the topics First-Generation Students and Students as Multipliers for Pupils, colleagues from the music education department had important experiences and compiled results for achieving project goals.
Andreas Bernhofer, Michaela Schwarzbauer, Elisabeth Wieland participated in the project.
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
The Administrative Department of Equality, Gender Studies and Diversity (GGD) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) is committed to a diversity-reflective and gender-equitable university as well as the sound artistic and scientific knowledge of gender and diversity in music, theater and film. It works on anchoring gender studies in the mdw’s curricula and on integrating gender and diversity issues in its socio-political objectives.
The mdw has contributed to the project through regular, active exchanges at events and by organizing a full-day, further education workshop on the topic “Eine Klasse für sich Klassismus(kritik) & Kunstuniversitäten” [“A Class of its Own: Classism(Criticism) & Art Universities”] for all project partners.
Andrea Ellmeier and Ulrike Mayer from the GGD and Julia Kordina from the Vice-Rectorate for Organisational Development and Diversity were involved in the project.
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz Welcome Center
The Welcome Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz is the point of contact and service for prospective students, applicants and first-year students who have concerns and questions about planning and starting their studies.
Alexandra Mayer, Eva Calvi-Fuchs, Sara Kebe Cerpes from the Welcome Center participated in the project.
Quality Management at the University of Arts Linz
In close cooperation with the Vice-Rectorate for Arts and Teaching and students and teaching staff, quality management applies quality evaluation procedures and implements measures to ensure and improve the quality of studies and teaching.
Kathrin Anzinger, Margit Böck (Quality Management | Sustainability), and Amalia Barboza (Artistic Research) were involved in the project.
Student Inclusion, GESTU Service Point at the TU Wien
Student Inclusion includes services such as barrier-free studying or GESTU (successful studying for the deaf and hearing-impaired). The aim of this initiative is to remove potential barriers during studies.
Georg Edelmayer served as an advisor on the issues of digital accessibility and usability.
Medien Kultur Haus Wels
The Medien Kultur Haus Wels (MKH) is an association that deals with various aspects of media production and media reception that focuses on working with young people. The MKH Wels aims to provide adolescents with a framework in which they can both independently yet with professional help realize their own ideas on a specific topic and learn the necessary media techniques. The programs are intended to provide guidance and offer youths – of all backgrounds and abilities – a wide range of guidelines on self-assertion.
The MKH Wels media workshops with young people helped them create various contributions on the subject of training, studying art and other, similar topics.
Elisabeth Zach and Vanessa Url-Aigner participated in the project.
Initiative for a Non-discriminatory Education System
The Initiative for a Discrimination-Free Education System (IDB) is a non-profit and politically independent association that documents (institutional) experiences of discrimination based on racism, sexism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and disabilities in the education sector and presents them in an annual report.
The IDB was involved in the project through workshops for students at the Academy and further training for project partners on racism-critical change management, and actively networked with the project stakeholders.
Persy-Lowis Bulayumi and Salme Taha Ali Mohamed were involved in the project.

© Plattform Vielfalt
Vienna University Children’s Office
Karoline Iber was involved in the project.
Links to Project Partners
Administrative Department of Equality, Gender Studies and Diversity (GGD)
Department of Music Education at the Mozarteum University Salzburg
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz Welcome Center
Quality Management University of Arts Linz (website in German)
Student Inclusion, GESTU Service Point at the TU Wien
Medien Kultur Haus Wels (website in German)
IDB - Initiative for a Non-discriminatory Education System (website in German)
Further articles
Author: Plattform Vielfalt (Red)
How Did the Online Platform Get the Name Kiosk?
Author: Antje Lehn (UGC)