
7 Portfolio Tips

Author: Luiza Furtado (Red)

What should you consider when putting your portfolio together? Here are 7 tips from André Rachadel.

What should my portfolio look like for my application to the art academy? What should I pay attention to? How is a portfolio structured?

In Luiza Furtado's article, André Rachadel shows seven tips on how a digital application portfolio for the entrance exam can look like.


André Rachadel is a student at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and their works deal with the theme of migration and how structures can become more transparent. André works with found objects and painted elements that are put together in a supposedly chaotic aesthetic. André Rachadel was a study assistant in 2022-23.

Luiza Furtado was born in Brazil. She lived in Rio de Janeiro for over 20 years, where she received her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from PUC University in 2021. She studies in the Contextual Painting class (new: Department of Art and Image | Context) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Furtado researches in the fields of intuitive dance interweaves painting, soft sculpture and audiovisual media. She creates fabric capsules for symbolic rituals of empowerment and care. Her performative work is based on prosthetic experiments with upcycled textile craft from a queerfeminist perspective.

Website of Luiza Furtado