Interviews with First Year Students: Leon
Author: Luiza Furtado (UGC)
Interviews with First Year Students: Leon
Author: Luiza Furtado (UGC)
Interviews with First Year Students: Jessie
Author: Luiza Furtado (UGC)
Sound Of Craft - Learning to Work Three-dimensional
Author: Natalia Gurova (UGC)
Studying at the Institute for Education in the Arts - Through the Lense of two Art Students
Author: Lea Gander (UGC)
A Typical Week of Bachelor Students at the Institute for Art and Architecture
Author: Sophia Rettl (UGC)
The Application Process at the Institute for Art and Architecture - a Teacher Explains How it Works
Author: Sophia Rettl (UGC)
Podcast with Workshop Manager Matthias Hammer
Author: Natalia Gurova (UGC)