Abstrakte Malerei Briana Flynt Grupp

Study programs

Art and Image | Abstraction

Author: Briana Flynt Grupp (UGC)

What is it like to study in the Department of Art and Image | Abstraction?

The video shows different presentation forms and the exchange that takes place during a class meeting. In the meetings the students talk about their approach to art and how they are working. The studio spaces at the university are self-organized, the materials have to be provided by the students themselves.

  • Once a week we have a class meeting where we talk about our art, what exhibitions we would like to see in the future and where our next class trips could go.
  • We have the opportunity to arrange one-to-one meetings with our professors and talk more intensively about our art production.
  • Everyone gets a studio space, but they are all have different sizes.
  • The materials that we need for our work, we need to provide ourselveses. 

Briana Grupp comes from Berlin. She has lived in Amsterdam, Marseille and Tirana. She is a student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. In her art, she likes to experiment with different materials such as wood, fabric and wool and combines oil paint with textiles on canvas.